Monday, February 2, 2009

Stressed Out With Work & School?

And so am I! Help!

I told myself- the best person who can help me most is nobody else but me. Am I making sense here? I figured, after observing myself for years and people all around me, that we truly do create most of our own stresses, joys and heartaches. What makes me uptight or happy is how I perceive and respond to situations.

For instance, these past few days, I have tons of things to do - work deadlines and four papers to complete this month so I'll graduate next month.

Here's how I tried to help myself...

Exercise: I exercised this morning (did leg and arm stretches) and this afternoon (light aerobics). It cleared my head so I could think more coherently and come up with a better itinerary for my new boss. The light aerobics this afternoon courtesy of eased the minor aches in my shoulders for doing computer work all day. I tried Spark People's 15 minute desk workout and I felt much better. Go try it sometime; it's fairly easy.

Delegate: There are so many nitty gritties to this itinerary - coordinating with people in 3 countries in such a short time-that I can't do it and still have time for my other work deadlines and make some headway on my school papers. So I was compelled to think of who can possibly help me with the coordination when I have no staff? Well, I realized that if I think hard enough, there are people in each country whom I can request to take care of certain things. I did that this afternoon-requested help in completing various details.

Essential vs Urgent: It's a daily battle with the "urgent" screaming for attention. Hey Abby, sit up and think! Take time to differentiate between what's essential and what's urgent. Taking time for solitude and exercise is essential. Washing clothes, sweeping the floor and fixing the clutter in the cupboard are "urgent." They can wait till the weekend.

Hugs, sunsets and kittens: Take a break from work and let someone give me hugs - my hubby or friends. This afternoon I opened the front door and caught glimpses of the setting sun. Before those glimpses, I watched our kitten play. And pretty soon the hugs will come...


L. Venkata Subramaniam said...

hugs work wonders!

Yup we need simple things to get de stressed.

abby villa said...

yes, it really does :>}}thanks for dropping by! would you like to share some ideas to destress?

Nicone said...

We've all been there I guess. My solution, as you know, is meditation and yoga... And hugs works too! :-)

abby villa said...

meditation is great, it's well worth adding to the list of destressors. but it's so easy to set it aside :>(((

PinoyXfat said...

talaga nga naman. people come up with compelling blog postings when they're stressed out or going through challenging circumstances.

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

Hi Abby,
May I invite you to please join Filipinos Unite!!!. You may do so by commenting on my blog stating your name, address, name of blog and its url or by sending an email to containing the same set of information. Thank you very much. God bless.

abby villa said...

salamat pinoy! compelling ha?! akala ko latak na ang lumabas he he i'm still cramming on my papers and have to stay away from my blog. i either blog or miss graduation or not blog and still miss graduation he ha

abby villa said...

Hi Mel. I'll check out Filipinos Unite in April. Am not kidding. I will check it out :>) have to give priority to work,studies and my family. i'll blog again in april for sure...maybe...oh'll hear from me for sure

Unknown said...

Sadly we do create a lot of our own stress! You have created great ways to cope though!

Anonymous said...

Hi Abby, I miss reading your new blog entries. :)